2024 Cloverbud Day Camp – June 21

  • MWe are so excited to offer a day camp for our youngest 4-H members from age 5 and in kindergarten to 2nd grade! This day will be packed with fun games and snacks from 9:00am to 3:00pm. The camper fee is $15, and the online registration is now open: go.osu.edu/mcloverbudcamp. The registration, payment, and health form must be completed by June 14 to be considered complete. ore information to come

2024 Marion County 4-H Camp – July 17-21

  • This overnight camp is Wednesday, July 17 to Sunday, July 21 at 4-H Camp Ohio. 4-H members and non-members age 8 (and just finishing 3rd grade) to age 13 can attend.

  • Camp Registration

  • Camp Welcome Letter 

Camper Packing List

Packing for prevention

Bunk Notes